Friday 28 June 2013

And We're Off

It's been two days since Munchie had her cast fitted, it's not the prettiest of things and its a bit cumbersome but she's taken to it so well. People are right when they say babies adapt quickly, she's sitting up, resting her hands on her knees in the old man style that she does, playing, rolling over and most importantly she's still the gorgeous, funny, smiley and happy little girl she's always been.

The cast fitting was traumatic for both me and my husband but not for Munchie, she appeared to be completely unfazed by the whole thing, happily munching on 'Sophie' whilst the Consultant and nurses set about their work. It didn't take long, no more than 15 minutes but it seemed like an age to us. The nurses were great, very reassuring and informative but above all took the time to listen to our fears and answer our questions.

Obviously things have changed slightly, it's a bit of a struggle to get Munchie into her car seat, I can no longer get her into the high chair (on the look out for one with a removable tray), she can't go swimming or have a bath and there is a whole bunch of clothes she can't wear. But it's not going to stop us, I've had the scissors out redesigning some of her baby grows, we've adapted bath time to wash, massage and cuddle time, and I'm looking for an activity to replace swimming.

We'll take one day at a time and face each new challenge with a smile.

I've been wanting a new baby monitor for sometime and after wadding through a pile of Internet reviews and asking for recommendations from my friends and the lovely people I've met on Twitter, I finally opted for the Summer Infant Baby Touch Digital Video Monitor.  Its fab, the picture quality is amazing in both day light and low light and the sound is crystal clear.  Its given me peace of mind now Munchie is in her own room, I can check on her without disturbing my light sleeper of a monkey and when I can't sleep in the middle of night I can watch my baby girl sleeping soundly or in her case noisily.


  1. I'm always amazed at how resilient kids are. Glad munchie is the same :) babies'r'us do a highchair with completely detachable tray x

  2. Oh fab, I didn't think to look there thank you!!!!
